
Nicole Hills was first introduced to yoga in 1999. As a full time massage therapist her yoga practice which began as a way to reduce stress and relieve pain would eventually turn into a lifelong passion…

She practiced for a few years under local teachers who had primarily taught Ashtanga and Iyengar style classes. It was in 2005 when she was introduced to her first workshop with master yoga teacher Aadil Palkhivala, and his wife Savitri. The experience of this workshop would ignite a calling deep within propelling her toward a relentless pursuit of yoga study and yoga practice.

Nicole has studied and practiced a diverse collection of yoga methodologies over the past 22 years. She has received multiple teaching certifications rooted in the styles of Iyengar, Ashtanga, Kundalini, and Power Vinyasa Yoga. Nicole has also had several years experience practicing the Bikram Yoga Series and has additionally participated in many White Tantra Meditations. Her most influential teachers are Aadil Palkhivala, Tias Little and Deva Kaur.

Nicole holds an E-RYT 500 yoga certification, has 22 years experience as an L.M.T. and has earned a B.A. in Psychology from Florida Southern College. Her other interests include astronomy, rollerskating, live music and mala making.